Do you run your company? Or does it run you?
As the saying goes, “when something needs to change, you need to change something’.Red Hot Business Coaching provide the push that gets the ball rolling.

Before you started your business, you were well-respected in your field – recognised for that all-important combination of skill, knowledge and reliability. It made sense to go into business for yourself, so that all your passion, effort and expertise could be channeled into your own net worth.

Today you have anywhere between 5 and 50 employees, annual turnover of between $500k and $5m, and a collection of loyal customers who love what you do. You also have family and friends who don’t see enough of you.
Work days are long and weekends often become the mop-up zone for tasks you couldn’t complete during the week. The business appears to be running at full speed, however this non-stop productivity isn’t necessarily reflected in the bottom line.

You’re wondering ‘how do I grow my business?’, but the answer is elusive. Right now you’re too busy keeping fingers in pies and putting out fires. It would also be great to have more time for life – holidays, family time, sport, fitness, and just doing nothing… occasionally. And that’s why you’re here, checking out our website.
Why choose to work with us?
It’s time to take your business to the next level.
Here are some of the benefits Red Hot Business Coaching can deliver:
- Become a more effective business person by upgrading essential skills – leadership, communications, time management, business planning, understanding performance metrics, employee relations
- Drive profitability up by focusing on better control of your business.
- Learn how to deal with short-term issues without neglecting long-term needs
- Solve problems with expert input that helps you to find the best answers
- Harness new technology and applications that smooth daily operations and reveal easy opportunities for business improvement
- Have a clear action plan that you’re accountable for
- Feel confident with decision making, because you have good advice on tap
- Get more time for life – family, friends and fun
- Groom your business for sale, so you can achieve a top price

Ready to break out of your rut and move your business forward?
How coaching works
Your needs will be as unique as your business, so we don’t apply a cookie cutter process to your coaching.
Session by session we’ll look at every aspect of your business, identifying and addressing each challenge as it’s revealed. Between face-to-face sessions you’ll receive support as required, over the phone and by email.
The challenges your business is experiencing have taken years to develop, so common sense says they won’t go away overnight. We work with business owners who recognise that positive changes take time if they’re going to stick. As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Learn what our clients say about Red Hot Business coaching

The ground we’ll cover
Over the course of your coaching sessions we’ll work with you on the six building blocks to move you through the seven levels of business. Our aim is to upskill you in every aspect of commercial success, not simply to provide a band aid to the most obvious issues.


Cost & Commitment
Not quite ready yet?
Red Hot offers several ways of getting more of a taste of what it can be like working with us. If you’re liking what we have to say but are not quite ready to take the plunge, how about trying out one of the below?

6 Weeks to Action Toolkit
Wondering if our style of coaching is for you? We have condensed 6 of our most valuable and actionable tips from real coaching sessions to give you a taste of our business coaching style.
- Weekly instalments delivered direct to your inbox for 6 weeks
- Rich, relevant content outlining business problems like ‘Why selling more is costing you money’ and access to our blueprint on how to move forward.
- Valuable and actionable tips to start making changes within your business – now.